Thursday, June 21, 2012


Recently I had an electrical fault on my BMW 3251 sport (purchased brand new from Forsdicks Tygevalley in 2008) – the result was that my vehicle was taken to SMG Cape Town and it was concluded that my electrical system burnt out and a new one had to be ordered from Germany. I waited for well over a month or two and during that time (my vehicle was with SMG Cape Town) my back seat was damaged, dash panel scratched and a small dent on the driver’s side door, information sticker on drivers door upright torn off, the driver’s side door rubber seal torn and the dashboard started rattling.
These problems were picked up after the electrical repairs and I immediately reported these to SMG. They ordered clips for the dashboard, the information sticker and the rubber seal. The consultant R. told me that when the parts arrive they would call me to bring my vehicle in to have these problems fixed….i waited for about another month and a half and I HAD TO FOLLOW UP REPEATEDLY, after which ASHRAF (some mechanic or clerk at SMG Cape Town) tells R. to tell me that these problems are not covered by my warranty.
However, SMG repaired the seat and the dash panel. They just refuse to repair the other faults…..they say this is my problem as these problems are not covered by my warranty.
I contacted BMW South Africa customer services department, spoke to L. (who claims that he is a senior manager at BMW SA ), said he would look into the matter, came back to me and told me that I will not receive any assistance from BMW SA as these problems are not covered by my warranty.
To put my complaint in perspective:
• It’s construed by L. that I am seeking financial assistance from BMW SA, this clearly is not the case. All I expected was a full investigation (as any reputable global company would do) and a report to justify why after my vehicle was on SMG Cape Town’s property for well over a month, would these problems have occurred?……the main concern was the rattling dashboard. I got the uneasy feeling that L. (BMW SA) was protecting SMG Cape Town.
• L. closed the complaint record without any justification.
• Refused to let me speak to any of the executives at BMW SA – I don’t know why this is the case.
• It was made clear to me that this is my problem, BMW SA will not be giving me any assistance.
The Main fact in this case, if the electrical system did not fail, my vehicle was not with SMG Cape Town for over a month, these problems would not have occurred….i was driving TROUBLE/PROBLEM free before the electrical repair by SMG Cape Town.
I need someone to understand this….L. of BMW SA clearly does not. If the repairs were not carried out I would not have had these problems.
Finally, all I need to know is……
• Why BMW SA (L.) did not do a proper and professional investigation to determine the facts of the case first
• Why is BMW SA (L.) protecting SMG Cape Town
• Why is SMG Cape Town not being held accountable and taking responsibility
• Why is it allowed that SMG Cape Town continues to blame the customer for their short comings and use ‘warranty loopholes’ to hide their inefficiencies.
I await an urgent reponse.
Lawrence, I have put my attorney’s on hold until I have contacted and get a response from BMW Germany.


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